Email Verification
During registration, we ask for a valid email address to verify your identity. If you do not see a mail from us in your inbox, we recommend the following:
Check your mail's Junk/Spam folder. If you find our mail there, great! But do not forget to set this mail to "Not a spam" for next time.
Confirm that you provide the correct email addess. We know that you are as excited as we are to join the community but mistyping the email address can happen. Try registering again with the email address. We will let you know if the email address has been used or not.
If you need to use your work email to register, try consulting with your IT - maybe they need to do some tweaks for our mail to com through.
Unique User Details
We also ask for a unique Username, Phone number and Email address so that we recognize you from the rest of the members.
Make sure you've got your thinking cap on when creating that username!
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